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Dominion was never Gods back up plan or His plan B.  His first mandate to man is found in Genesis 1:26 and he tells us to have dominion in the earth.  The Word Dominion is transliterated from the word, "Radah" in Hebrew and it means to have rulership and control.   However, our induction into the worlds system at birth has shaped us in away that we don't think rulership and being in charge.


"Kingdom  University" with Dr. Mike Woods, Sr.  During this setting Dr. Woods will  teach two powerful Mindset Classes that will teach you how to advance toward Dominion.  


Classes will include:  

1.)  Kingdom Economics.  This class will teach you what the Economy of the Kingdom Looks like out and how to access it; and

2.)  Kingdom Entrepreneurship.  This Class will share with you why Entrepreneurship is a necessity in the Kingdom and toward the Dominion idea.   


Registration is Required of the Kingdom University Session at $20.00 per person.

Kingdom University Decatur

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$20.00Sale Price
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